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For sale: Amityville Horror house in Long Island, New York

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If 'creepy' is high on your list of new house requirements, you need to book a viewing for the Amityville Horror house in Long Island, New York.

Back in 1974, Ronald DeFeo Jr shot dead six members of his family in the house. Just a month later,George and Kathleen Lutz, along with their children, replaced them as residents. As the tale goes, they faced a supernatural onslaught, everything from sinister images to slime from the walls and a plague of insects, not to mention being awoken at 3:15am nightly (the time of the killings), with Mr Lutz also claiming to have seen his wife levitate and his daughter seeing a demonlike creature. They fled after less than a month and the rest, as they say, is history.


The tale became a bestselling book and successful movie, despite doubts being case on the family's story. Indeed, subsequent residents have yet to experience anything strange.

But who knows? You might get a visitation if you buy the five-bedroom, Dutch Colonial-style home, which is up for sale at $1.15 million (£796,000). Either way, you can expect a busy night at Halloween.

Via Daily Telegraph

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