Categories / Gadgets and Tech, Men's Fashion, Women's Fashion

The Impossible Project to revive instant Polaroid photography

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Polaroid stopped producing its analogue instant film in 2008 so supplies of it are limited and at a premium. The Impossible Project hopes to change that situation by inventing a new film product can be used in vintage Polaroid cameras, thus reviving instant photography.

 It seems like a worthy cause, but it is obviously one that comes at a cost, so to support their mission, The Impossible Project is selling the t-shirts above. The men’s design is available in navy or brown and features the project logo along with a drawing of a Polaroid photograph. The ladies style comes in red or black with a heart-shaped design made up of Polaroids.

The t-shirts costs 28 Euros each and can be ordered from The Impossible Project website, where you can also find out more about their mission.

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