Categories / Toys and Games

Vintage-style Monopoly, Cluedo and Scrabble Nostalgia Edition board games by Esdevium Games

Yes, you can go down to your local toy store (or online) to buy any of these in modern incarnations, but they are certainly going to be no match for the Monopoly, Cluedo and Scrabble Nostalgia Edition board games by Esdevium Games.

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Categories / Homeware, Toys and Games

Hasbro Monopoly Lap Tray and Coasters

000113731If you spent a terse Christmas day playing board games with the family, then you might not want a product that is a further reminder, but if Monopoly only has happy childhood memories for you, then you may be interested in the Hasbro Monopoly Lap Tray and Coasters.

These are official products so the designs are exactly the same as on the classic London version of the board. The tray has an easy-wipe print of the game board on the top and a think cushion base underneath, made from beans which mould to fit your lap comfortably. The coasters take their design from the four corners of the Monopoly board.

The tray costs £16 and the coasters £6 from John Lewis.