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British Rail signage range at The Modernist

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Train nuts and fans of classic design might want a piece of the British Rail signage range in their homes. If you do, it is available via The Modernist.

As you might recall, this is the signage used in the days of British Rail, guiding us around the station and to our destinations in the middle of the 20th century. These days, much of it has been replaced by the various train companies, although a few bits still remain at the stations if you look closely.

If you want a piece on your home, you can choose from these limited edition mugs inspired by the buffet bars, a 100 per cent cotton tote bag inspired by the front of house or the t-shirt showing you the way out of the station.

Prices are £8.50 for a mug, £15 for a t-shirt and £6.50 for the tote.

Find out more at The Modernist website



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