If you are on the hunt for some new furniture, it might be worth checking out the newly-arrived midcentury modern chairs and coffee tables at Rose & Grey.
Some of the designs we have seen before, but most we we haven’t. Which is obviously a good thing. What we have seen is Jozef Chierowski’s iconic 366 Easy Chair along and the 366 Rocking Chair, which are Polish designs dating back to 1962. What I don’t think we have seen are the 366 Double Seater models, which are basically the same, but larger. Very stylish, timeless designs.
So are the H.Lis Fox Easy Chairs, Rocking Chairs and Footrests, which are also midcentury designs out of Poland, although they have a look that you perhaps associate with Scandinavian pieces of the era.
All of the seats are available in variety of fabrics and finishes, with prices for the chairs starting from around £650.
Coffee tables too, which are designed to complement the chairs and are pictured here too. Expect to pay from £325 for those, with the larger of the tables coming in at £650.
Check out all the range at the Rose & Grey website.