Categories / Design and Interiors

Isamu Noguchi-inspired Rituals table lamps by Ludovica & Roberto Palomba for Foscarini


If the look of these lights has a familiarity about it, it's perhaps down to a similarity to the iconic Isamu Noguchi lamps from the middle of the 20th century, which were in turn inspired by traditional paper lanterns. But there's more to these Rituals table lamps by Ludovica & Roberto Palomba for Foscarini than meets the eye.

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Categories / Design and Interiors

Yamagiwa’s Noguchi-style L’uovo Japanese floor light


Not a million miles away from the classic 1950s Isamu Noguchi table lights (or Ikea's Noguchi-inspired variation), the Yamagiwa L'uovo floor light offers much the same in terms of construction, but offers it up in an egg-shaped package.

Indeed, L'uovo actually does mean egg in Italian and this is a very large egg – around 90cm in height, with that shell made of a Japanese paper that gives off soft and ambient light for your living space via a single bulb inside. Don't worry, we're sure it's been tested thoroughly for fire safety.

Available online, the Yamagiwa L'uovo floor light retails for £533.

TwentyTwentyOne website

Via Switched On Set