Fancy a trip back to the 1960s? This Mod Meadows wallpaper by Layla Faye just might help. And it’s currently in the sale.

This isn’t the kind of OTT 1960s wallpaper I could have picked out. If you want something of that ilk, you might want to have a look at my 10 of the best 1970s-style wallpapers round-up. There’s nothing understated about a lot of those. But if you want something from a slightly earlier era and with more of a subtle retro look, have a look at this paper.

Take your pick from three colours, each one featuring the same retro and stylised floral design that pretty much screams the mid-20th century. You can imagine seeing this in a bedroom of an untouched midcentury modern house. Yes, it does have originality on its side.
But let’s not just focus on bedrooms. As you can see from the images, it works in pretty much every room of the house too. Anywhere that needs an injection of retro really.

Now, that price. There are three colours available, which are buttercup yellow, misty grey and olive, with each sold as a 10m roll. Officially each one costs £39.50 and if you want the yellow, that’s still the price I’m afraid. But if you want either of the other shades they are less than half price, with a roll at just £15.80 while stocks last.