Bringing back memories of car journeys as a small child is this Revival Flask by Thermos. And I’m all for it. In the sale too. Read more
Bringing back memories of car journeys as a small child is this Revival Flask by Thermos. And I’m all for it. In the sale too. Read more
The man behind the Factory Records and Hacienda branding has teamed up with the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry to create the MSI + Peter Saville glass flask range. Read more
You'll need some cheer to get you through the last week of January. And what could be more warming than the new selection of vintage-inspired flasks available from Dotcomgiftshop?
Anyone who has drunkenly sung along to The Smiths (and that's a lot of people) is likely to appreciate this Happy In The Haze flask made by In God We Trust.
This classic On the Road Penguin flask pictures the iconic book cover, written by Jack Kerouac in the 1950s.
Inspiring beatnik teenagers everywhere to set off and explore, escaping the restrictions of authority, this thermo-flask is a handy travelling companion Kerouac himself would have been proud of.
Another great move from Penguin, get yours from Urban Outfitters for £25.00.